Humanity, a species like any/no other?No 101, 2022/1 - 170 pagesTo begin withFor a Critique of Anthropocentric ReasonBy Igor Krtolica, translated from French by Priyanka DeshmukhVicinityAnthropological Difference in PaleoanthropologyBy Mathilde Lequin, translated from French by Priyanka DeshmukhRestoring Biological Processes. Rethinking Connections between Human and Natural History through a Comparative Reading of Bergson and RuyerBy Alexis Boisseau, Mathilde Tahar, translated from French by Allyn HardyckRegaining Humanity’s Central Place: Ruyer’s CosmologyBy André Conrad, translated from French by Allyn HardyckNature and its Possibilities. The Human Experience According to WhiteheadBy Didier Debaise, translated from French by Priyanka DeshmukhSimondon and the Birds of the ApocalypseBy Cécile MalaspinaThe Animal as the Future of the Human: The Zoo-futurist Perspective in QuestionBy Dominique Lestel, translated from French by Priyanka DeshmukhOccupy Mars, Illustrated SectionBy Pauline Julier, Clément PostecWordsInterview with Jean-Jacques Hublin & Alain ProchiantzBy Igor Krtolica, translated from French by Allyn HardyckÉpistémèTimeless Variation: A Contribution to the Metaphysics of Quantum Gravity (2/2)By Jérôme Rosanvallon, translated from French by Allyn HardyckCursusLearning Philosophical Gestures with Ignorant Schoolmasters and TextsBy Stéphanie Péraud-Puigségur, translated from French by Priyanka DeshmukhReadingsReview of La Corporéité entre Orient et Occident. Théories et pratiques du corps. Ostéopathie qi gong calligraphie méditation. Jean-Claude Gens (ed).By Hugues Choplin, translated from French by Priyanka Deshmukh