The “Socialism or Barbarism” movement No 96, 2019/2 - pagesTo begin withBy Claire PagèsCastoriadis before Castoriadis? Organization, reality and creationBy Nicolas PiquéOvercoming or accepting social division: Castoriadis, Lefort and the Hungarian RevolutionBy Nicolas PoirierClaude Lefort: An intruder in Socialisme ou Barbarie?By Antoine CholletPhilosophy as Interpretation of the Present: Claude Lefort and the “Socialisme ou barbarie” YearsBy Yaël GambarottoSartre vs. Lefort: The meaning of proletarian experienceBy Alexandre FeronAn interview with Vincent DescombesBy Claire PagèsThe adventures of activist inquiryBy Davide Gallo Lassere, Frédéric MonferrandClaude Lefort, reader of Merleau-Ponty: From “the proletarian experience” to the “flesh of the social”By Claire DodemanSymbolic politics and expression. “The proletarian experience” between Merleau-Ponty and post-MarxismBy Conall CashSome remarks on a comparison between the Frankfurt School and “Socialism or Barbarism”By Claire PagèsThe Europe of fundamental rights put to the test of its States’ “limes”By Michele SaporitiFrom century to century: Diet at any cost? A glance at a few mentions of diet in the history of medical practicesBy Gilles BarrouxReading of Hilan Bensusan’s book Lines of future animismBy Filipe Ceppas