Thinking Clinically No 100, 2021/2 - pagesIntroductionBy Philippe LacourThe clinic as laboratory: what epistemology for medicine?By Jean-Christophe WeberThe Double Birth of the Clinic: Quantifying Medical Data in the Nineteenth CenturyBy Mathieu CorteelHandling Singularity to Cure: The Limit-Case of Psychoanalysis in the Clinical FieldBy Guenaël VisentiniKnowledge of the Singular in Psychopathology. The Typological Approach in the Psychiatry of German-Speaking Countries in the 20th Century and in DaseinsanalyseBy Elisabetta BassoA Clinic of the Social? A Look at the Clinical Claims of Contemporary Social SciencesBy Philippe LacourAn Interview with Jean-Marc Lévy-LeblondBy interview conducted by Philippe LacourTimeless Variation. A Contribution to the Metaphysics of Quantum Gravity (1/2)By Jérôme RosanvallonThe Ineducable in the Light of KantBy Stéphanie Ronchewski DegorreA Review of Paolo Godani’s Traits: Une métaphysique du singulier (Paris: PUF, 2019)By Philippe Lacour